vineri, 5 februarie 2010

Sony Articus in english!!!!!!-2-

”.... Sony agree that he understand.
-Sony, the world outside is very bad ... and I dont want to lose you.
-But, Mom! If I will not unite the sword and someone else will do it, someone bad ... you think that world will exist ... or this?
-How do you know about the swords? ask suspicious the woman.
-It 's a long story ...I will go and see what the chest contains, right now!said Sony and he rise up from his chair.
His mom said nothing.Sony climb up the stairs and then went towards the door with the rust padlock .There were many keys but Sony hit first and get in a room with all sorts of things.After his mother saying, the chest, was after some clothes and pictures, Sony saw the pictures and began searching the area.In shortly he found the chest,a golden, medium one, and various items in him.Among those articles there was a sachet, a notebook and a longish object covered with a white canvas.Sony knew...that was the sword, but didnt knew what the letter contains.So open it and began to read.
"My dear son,
I hope that when you read this letter you will understand that I did not choose you to do this thing.The place where you will go it is not beautiful, one old friend of mine will give you the map.And...dont trust anyone.
If I wasnt betrayed...this action could lead to an end,I could unite the two swords.Take care, along with my death, darkness will try very hard to grab your sword, so you have to be carefully!
I hope you're well and you're not mad at me ... I apologize, but I didnt choose it, and now you're chosen to go the end at what I started... if you want.
Your father, Artrus Articus.
P.S.-Take care of yourself!I love you,son! "
Sony finished reading the letter and put on a notebook and take sword in hand, giving the canvas down and seeing her.She really have a ruby...the red ruby. Between the lama and the handle.And his name.The Sword of Red Ruby.Sony understood that was not his father's fault, it was to happen...
Sony understood now that is a huge burden on his shoulders, to unite the two swords...and save the world from darkness ... in a way.He didnt knew how to handle one, but hopefully everything will be better.After he read the letter once again,he walked in his room.The sun sent its golden rays shining through the small window from the Sony's room.Then he sit in his office and began to play with a pencil and think about what he will do.He will leave.That was certanlly, and Sony really wanted this thing.He feel fine... but he have a sense of fear that dont leave him alone ...”-Sorry If I misspelled....and i hope you will like it!....-AL-

marți, 2 februarie 2010

-Capitolul 2-”Secretul si Scrisoarea”

„.... Sony incuvinta din cap ca intelegea.
-Sony,lumea de afara e foarte nu vreau sa te pierd.
-Dar,mama!Daca eu nu unesc sabiile si o face altcineva,cineva rau...crezi ca va mai exista aceea lume...sau asta?
-De unde stii de sabii?intreba femeia suspicioasa.
-E o poveste duc sa vad ce contine acel cufar,chiar acum!zise Sony si se ridica de pe scaun.
Mama sa nu mai zise nimic.Sony urca scrile,iar dupa aceea se duse direc inspre usita cu lacatul ruginit.Erau o multime de chei dar Sony nimeri din prima si intra intr-o incapere cu tot felul de lucruri.Dupa spusele mamaei sale,cufarul era dupa niste haine si tablouri,Sony vazu tablourile si incepu sa caute prin zona aceea.Dupa scurt timp a gasit un cufar auriu,mediu,si cu mai multe obiecte in el.Printre acele obiecte se gaseau un plic,un carnetel si un obiect destul de lung acoperit cu o panza alba.Sony stia ca aceea era sabia,dar nu stia ce contine scrisoarea.Asa ca o deschise si incepu sa citeasca.
„Dragul meu fiu,
Sper ca atunci cand vei citi aceasta scrisoare vei intelege ca nu eu am ales ca tu sa faci acest lucru.Locul unde te vei duce nu este deloc unul frumos,si nici nu o sa-l gasesti pe harta.Un prieten ti-o va nu avea incredere in oricine.
Daca nu eram tradat puteam duce la capat aceasta actiune,puteam unii cele doua sabii.Ai grija,o data cu moartea mea,Intunericul va inceraca sa puna mana pe sabia ta,asa ca ai mare grija!
Sper ca esti bine si ca nu esti suparat pe mine...imi cer scuze,dar nu eu am ales asta,iar acum tu esti Cel Ales sa duci la bun sfarsit ce am inceput eu,doar...daca vrei.
Tatal tau,Artrus Articus.
P.S.-Ai grija de tine!”
Sony termina de citi scrisoarea si o puse pe carnet si lua sabia in mana,dand jos panza si vazand-o.Chiar avea un rubin rosu intre maner si lama.Sabia Rubinului Rosu,se gandi Sony.Si chiar acesta ii era numele.Sony intelesese ca nu era vina tatalui sau,asa a fost sa se intample.
De acum Sony intelesese ca avea o sarcina uriasa pe umeri,sa uneasca cele doua sabii si sa salveze lumea de Intuneric...intr-un fel.Nu stia cum se va descurca singur,dar spera ca totul va fi bine.Dupa ce mai citi o data scrisoare Sony se duse in camera sa.Soarele isi trimitea razele auri prin fereastra mica luminand camera.Sony se aseza la birou si incepu sa se joace cu un creion si sa se gandeasca la ce va face in continuare.Va pleca.Asta era sigur,iar Sony chiar isi dorea acest lucru.Se simtea intr-un fel bine,dar avea si un sentiment de teama ce nu-l lasa in pace...”---o alta parte din S.A.,sper sa va placa :D

vineri, 29 ianuarie 2010

scz pt greselile de scriere dar le-am facut intr-o dimineata knd trebuia sa ma duc si la scozla...scz!

Sony Articus in english!!!!!!

hello to all!!!this is a part from S.A. that I translate in english...
„...For a few moments Sony believed that everything that happens is just a dream, but it was not,it was real.He thought about what mister Michaels told earlyer .He analysed everything,even the ways of escape,even those ways dont exists.And finally realized that he is the one...the chosen one.The chosen one who got to end what his father did not and fail.
So Sony take toward to his house.He didnt know if is better to tell the others too,to Sam or especially Alma,or even Anne.He didnt know how he will tell to his mother,but maybe not now...but sure he will tell to all about this...he still was shocked.
After travaled all the way home,he get into the house and after this he get straight to his room in silence.When he get there he take off his shirt and get into bed.Then the thoughts invade his mind...He dont want to think,maybe for a moment,but he could not.His thoughts torments him beacuse they were bad,but in the end he sleeped,pacefully,knowing that for now...his thoughts will torment him...all the time.”---sorry if I misspelled...and I hope you make yourself an idea about my book...this is just the end of the first chapter...i will publish more soon!!!!

joi, 28 ianuarie 2010

Despre Sony Articus...

Sony este un baiat simplu al cariu tata a murit cand el avea doar cateva zile...Tatal acestui a fost un cercetator,care a gasit o sabie(Sabia Rubinului Rosu)...una blestemata,dar el nu a reusit sa le uneasca deoarece au aparut alte probleme si a murit...peste exact 14 ani,Sony afla de acest lucru,mai intai sontr-o sursa nesigura,dar apoi chiar de la mama sa...De aici incep toate aventurile sale in unirea celor doua sabi...Si daca va intereseaza dati-mi add in lista voastra de mess si veti alfa mai multe...pana atunci...aveti grija de voi!

Sony Articus si Sabia Intunericului din Lumina

„.....Pentru cateva clipe Sony crezu ca tot ce se intampla e doar un vis,dar nu era asa,era cat se poate de real.Se mai gandi o data la cele spuse de domnul Michaels mai devreme.Analizase totul,chiar si caile de scapare care nu existau.Si intr-un final a realizat ca el este...cel ales.Cel ales sa duca la capat ceea ce tatal sau nu reusise.
Asa ca Sony o lua inspre casa.Nu stia daca era bine sa le spuna celorlalti.Lui Sam sau mai ales Almei sau stia nici cum ii va spuna mamei sale.Poate ca nu stia cum,dar era sigur ca ii va spune.
Dupa ce parcurse tot drumul,intra in casa si urca in camera sa,in liniste.Cand intra in camera isi dete camasa jos si se aseza in pat cu toate gandurile navalindu-i in minte.Nu vroia sa mai gandeasca,macar pentru moment,dar nu reusi.Gandurile parca il chinuiau,dar intr-un sfarsit adormi,linistit,stiind ca de acum incolo gandurile vor fi ca un chin pentru el....”-Acesta este sfarsitul primului capitol din S.A....sper ca va placut si ca v-am starnit oarecum interesul...voi mai posta foarte curand inca putin...Aveti grija de voi!